Technology Transfer
One of the main missions of the CIBER is the translation of knowledge, so that the results of research that we generate are developed in protocols, services and products for the improvement of clinical practice and people’s quality of life.
The technology transfer unit thus wishes to offer our researchers and companies, other private institutions and public research centres the capacities of our groups and technologies that they develop by:
If you are a third party company or institution:
- Licensing and co-development of our technologies.
- Undertaking clinical assays.
- Participation in one of our spin offs.
- Other forms of cooperation.
On this page you will find some of the technologies active in our technological portfolio arranged by areas.
If you are a CIBER researcher:
- The assessment of your research results and their possible protection by means of industrial or intellectual property tools.
- The management of confidentiality agreements prior to negotiating a project with a public or private partner.
- The management of MTAs.
- The management of scientific cooperation agreements or service contracts.
- Cooperation in the search for partners and drafting proposals for projects.
- Backing in company creation.
- Amongst others.
Contact | Luzma García Piqueres
Head of Technology Transfer
Telephone: (+34) 91 171 81
Electronic Mail: [email protected]