- The Manager will be appointed by the President of the Governing Body, with the favourable report of the Permanent Commission, taking the Scientific Directors’ opinion into account. The CIBER shall arrange the appropriate contract for their functions with said Manager. The duration of this contract shall be four years, extendible at the parties’ agreement and in accordance with the rules applicable in this field.
- Continuity in the duties of Management shall be subject to the annual performance assessment of these tasks and/or the continuity of the CIBER.
- The Manager shall have the following functions:
- To draw up and formulate the annual accounts and present these along with the President of the Permanent Commission, prior to taking these on to the Governing Body.
- To draw up the preliminary project of the annual budget.
- The administrative management of the CIBER’s budget.
- The economic control of the CIBER’s projects and activities, especially to ensure optimum performance in quality, service and cost.
- To order payments and invest any cash surpluses in accordance with the Code of Conduct of non-profit-making institutions for making temporary investments in the Stock Market field approved by the Spanish Stock Market Commission.
- To arrange the accounting and run the administration of the Consortium and draw up its economic and financial reports.
- To draft and submit to the Permanent Commission the quarterly reports for follow-up of the CIBER’s budget execution.
- Proper execution of the administrative tasks of the CIBER.
- Responsibility for personnel management.
- To arrange the processes for selection of personnel, take on and dismiss staff working for the CIBER, the authorisation of their per diems and travel, as well as that of third parties cooperating with the Consortium, all in accordance with the human resources policy annually approved by the Governing Body.
- To keep a permanently updated list of the groups and personnel belonging to these forming the CIBER.
- Along with the President of the Permanent Commission, to authorise contracts for works, services and supplies and any others that might be arranged for fulfilment of its purposes, on condition that the sum involved in these is equal to or over 50,000.01 euros and under 150,000.01.
- To authorise and sign contracts for works, services and supplies and any others that might be arranged for fulfilment of its purposes, on condition that that the sum involved in these is equal to or under 50,000.00 euros. To sign contracts for higher amounts after these have been authorised by the competent body in each case.
- Any other function within their competence which it is entrusted by the Governing Body, its President, the Permanent Commission or the Scientific Directors.
- The Manager of the Consortium will act as the Secretary for its collegiate bodies.
Present manager: D. Manuel Sánchez Delgado.