Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Steering Committe

Each  thematic research area has a Steering Committee headed by the Scientific Director, which will be made up of the Assistant Director, where applicable, the coordinators of the research programmes, the coordinator of the Education Programme and the Manager of the Consortium.


  1. To advise and support the Scientific Director in performance of his or her duties.
  2. To participate in the preparation, development and execution of the programmes approved by the Governing Body
  3. To ensure coordination and cooperation between the different research programmes of the CIBER.
  4. To guarantee the integration and coherence between the scientific and management activities of the CIBER.
  5. To advise the Director on the CIBER’s policy for scientific-technological infrastructures.
  6. To inform the Director on the performance of the groups in the programmes.
  7. To advise the Scientific Director in the preparation of the general criteria of personnel policy and trainee personnel.

Members of the Steering Committee:

M. Pilar Marco Colás Directora Científica
Raimon Jané Campos  Subdirectora Científica
M. Rosa Aguilar de Armas Coordinador de Biomateriales y Transferencia
Ramón Martínez Máñez Director Científico NANBIOSIS
Roberto Hornero Sánchez Coordinador Programa Bioingeniería
Ángel Raya Chamorro Coordinador Programa Biomateriales
Jesús Martínez de la Fuente Coordinador Programa Nanomedicina
Rafael Gómez Ramírez Coordinador Programa Formación
Esther Vázquez Gómez Coordinadora de Transferencia
Margarita Blázquez Gerente
Adjunta a Dirección Científica: Begoña Pérez
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Teléfono: 636 30 45 03

Dídac Mauricio Scientific Director
Sonia Fernández Veledo Deputy Scientific 
Ángela Martínez Valverde Programme 1 Coordinator
Ana Isabel Rojas González Programme 2 Coordinator
Manuel Vázquez Carrera  Programme 3 Coordinator
Laura Marroquí Esclápez  Training Program Coordinator
Nuria Valdés Gallego  Science Communication and Outreach Coordinator
Margarita Blázquez Manager

Jordi Gracia Scientific Director
María Chaparro

Scientific Deputy Director

Program 2: Gastrointestinal pathophysiology: inflammatory disease and motility disorders.

Juan Manuel Pericàs

Program 1: Mechanism of liver damage, evolution and progression of cirrhosis and liver transplantation. – Clinical groups.

Rubén Francés

Program 1: Mechanism of liver damage, evolution and progression of cirrhosis and liver transplantation. – Translational groups.

María Reig

Program 3: Hepatic and digestive oncology.

Sofía Pérez del Pulgar

Training and Teaching Program.

Agustín Albillos

Cooperative Scientific Program.

María Arechederra

Communication, Openness to Society and Platforms.

Rocío Gallego


Maria Molina Molina Scientific Director
Jesús Ruiz-Cabello Osuna Scientific Assistant Director
José Luis López-Campos

Chronic Respiratory Diseases Coordinator

Antoni Torres Martí Infectious Respiratory Diseases Coordinator
Francisco Pérez Vizcaino

Singular Respiratory  Diseases Coordinator

Jessica González

COVID and other respiratory viruses
respiratory viruses Coordinator

Laura Amado Rodríguez

Training Programme Coordinator

Fernando Rodríguez Artalejo Scientific Director
Jordi Alonso Caballero Scientific Assistant Director
Mª José Sánchez Pérez Coordinadora del programa 1"  Epidemiology and Control of Chronic Diseases"
Pere Godoy García Coordinador del programa 2"Communicable Disease Prevention, Surveillance and Control (PREVICET)"
Juan Carlos Galán Montemayor Coordinador del programa 3 "Biological and Behavioural Determinants in the Contraction and Spread of Communicable Diseases in Vulnerable Populations (DAPET Programme)"
Mª José López Medina Coordinadora del programa 4 "Social Determinants of Health"
Mariana Fátima Fernández Cabrera

Coordinadora del programa 5 "Environmental and occupational health epidemiology and prevention"

Antoni Serrano Blanco Coordinador del programa 6 "Research in health services in clinical practice"
Mónica Guxens Junyent Training Programme
Margarita Blázquez Manager

María del Puy Portllo Scientific Director
Fernando Fernández Aranda Scientific Assistant Director
Jordi Salas Nutrition Programme coordinator
Dolores Corella Nutrition Programme coordinator
Estefanía Toledo Nutrition-Cohorts Programme coordinatorn
Estefanía Toledo Obesity-related complications Programme coordinator
Fernando Fernández-Aranda Obesity and Neurocognition Programme coordinator
Mª Puy Portillo Physiopathology of body weight Hosmeostasis and Adipobiology
Empar Lurbe Child-youth obesity Programme coordinator
José Manuel Fernández-Real Scientific Platforms coordinator
Laura Herrero Training Program Coordinator
Margarita Blázquez CIBER Manager
Attached to Scientific Management: Leticia Álvarez Mangas
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 670 67 66 63

Ana González Pinto Scientific Director
José Luis Ayuso Mateos Scientific Deputy Director and International Projects Area Coordinator
Juan Nácher Therapeutic Innovation Program Coordinator
Vicent Balanzá Bipolar Disorder Program Coordinator
Edith Pomarol Schizophrenia Program Coordinator
Inmaculada Baeza Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program Coordinator
Esther Berrocoso Training and Mobility Coordinator
Diego José Palao Vidal  Depression and Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator
Lourdes Fañanás Quality Area Coordinator
Susana Carmona Platforms Coordinator
Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga Psychosomatic, Anxiety and Impulse Control Disorders Program Coordinator
Margarita Blázquez Management

Jesús Oteo Iglesias Director Científico
Antonio Oliver Palomo Subdirector científico
Agustín Benito LlanesCristina Calvo Rey Programa 1: Salud Global, infecciones emergentes y reemergentes
Jesús Rodríguez BañoRafael Cantón Moreno  Programa 2: Resistencia a antimicrobianos 
Santiago Moreno GuillénJosé Mª Miró Meda Programa 3: VIH/SIDA e infecciones de transmisión sexual
José Mª Aguado GarcíaJordi Carratalá Fernández Programa 4: Infecciones en Inmunodeprimidos no HIV e infecciones relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria
Mª del Carmen Fariñas Álvarez Programa de Formación
Margarita Blázquez Gerente
Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas Scientific Director
José Viña Ribes Programme 1 Coordinator: Basic, clinical and environmental mechanisms associated with the development of frailty
Francesc Xavier Nogues Solan Programme 2 Coordinator: Tackling frailty. Detection, screening, diagnosis and treatment
Pedro Abizanda Soler Training programme coordinator
Margarita Blázquez Manager of CIBER

Attached to the Scientific Director: Elena Sastre
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 91 683 93 60 extensión: 2397